Pre-Order The Wake Up!

Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change

As we become more aware of various social injustices in the world, many of us want to be part of the movement toward positive change. But sometimes even our best intentions cause unintended harm, and we fumble despite our earnest efforts. We might feel afraid to say the wrong thing and feel guilt for not doing or knowing enough. Sometimes we might engage in performative allyship rather than thoughtful solidarity, leaving those already marginalized further burdened and exhausted.

The feelings of fear, insecurity, inadequacy are all too common among a wide spectrum of changemakers, and they put many at a crossroads between feeling stuck and giving up, or staying grounded to keep going. Every one of us has an important role to play in shaping our society and finding our way together has never been more urgent. So how can we go beyond performative allyship to creating real change in ourselves and in the world, together?

In The Wake Up, Michelle MiJung Kim shares foundational principles often missing in today’s mainstream conversations around “diversity and inclusion” and urges readers to go beyond performative allyship to enacting real transformation within ourselves and in the world. The Wake Up invites readers to deep dive into the challenging and nuanced work of pursuing equity and justice, while exploring various complexities, contradictions, and conflicts inherent in our imperfect world.

Michelle MiJung Kim is known for her ability to bring clarity to complex topics without losing nuance, while balancing compassion and criticality. With a mix of in-the-trenches narrative and accessible unpacking of hot button issues--from inclusive language to representation to "cancel culture"--she offers sustainable frameworks that guide us how to think, approach, and be in the journey as thoughtfully and powerfully as possible. 

The Wake Up is divided into four key parts:

•       Grounding: begin by moving beyond good intentions to interrogating our deeper “why” for committing to social justice and uncovering our "hidden stories."

•       Orienting: establish a shared understanding around our historical and current context and issues we are trying to solve, starting with dismantling white supremacy.

•       Showing Up: learn critical principles to approach any situation with clarity and build our capacity to work through complexity, nuance, conflict, and imperfections.

•       Moving Together: remember the core of this work is about human lives, and commit to prioritizing humanity, healing, and community.

Building Our Capacity to Transform Ourselves and the World

Everyday, we have an opportunity to choose who we want to be and live our lives in alignment with our values.

I wrote The Wake Up as an urgent call to go beyond good intentions to building real solidarity. Ultimately, The Wake Up awakens us to our own complicity, power, and our capacity to transform ourselves and the world.

— Michelle MiJung Kim